Trouble Shooting

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Q: How should I use the buffer provided in the Kit?

A: Please follow the package insert carefully. In general, buffer should be added immediately after specimens are dropped. Be careful with the buffer volume.

Q: What is the function of buffer solution? Can buffer be interchanged and used among different products?

A: Buffer can help migration, stabilize the reaction environment, and shield non-specific binding. However, some buffer solutions are designed to serve certain other purposes, and thus please do not interchange or use buffer from different products, as it might affect the final result.

Q: Can buffer solution be replaced by 0.9% sodium chloride, distilled water, anticoagulants or other similar solutions? What will happen if I use too much or too little buffer?

A: No, the buffer solution should not be replaced by other solutions, as solution formulas are particularly designed to improve products’ performance. If buffer were missed when testing, there exist a possibility that migration problem in some degree may occur. On the other hand, if too much buffer were added, the concentration of aiming substances might decrease to a level that is below cut-offs of products, and thus affect the accuracy.

Q: What will happen if I add too much or too little specimens?

A: Too large or too small specimen volume would both affect the final results. Therefore, please use only the pipettes provided along with kits, and read package inserts carefully before performing tests.

Q: Can the test strip/device be exposed to air for a long period of time prior to use?

A: No. Our tests are sensitive to environmental conditions. Long exposure time to air may reduce the performance of the test. Please be aware that for canister packed strip products, after taking out strip(s) you need, please immediately seal the remaining canister.

Q: Does the product quality decrease when it approaches the expiry date?

A: The shelf life marked on the package means that this product is stable in its unopened packaging when stored at the correct environmental conditions up until the expiry date. Extreme high and low temperatures may shorten the product’s shelf life. For canister packed products, once open, they should be used as soon as possible, since long time exposure to the air may reduce the performance of the kit.

Q: Can hemolyzed whole blood specimens be used for testing?

A: No, then can not. Hemolyzed whole blood specimens would make the background darker, and hence influence final testing results.

Q: Would anticoagulants affect final testing results?

A: No. Normal anticoagulants have been evaluated and proved to be having no influences on final testing results.

Q: Is there any differences between usage of venipuncture whole blood and fingerstick whole blood?

A: No. normally, use of different blood specimens would not affect the final result. However, the concentration of aiming substances in fingerstick blood might be lower than that of venipuncture blood.

Q: Is there any special requests for specimens collection and storage?

A: Yes, please note below points. For more detailed information, kindly refer to the package inserts.

1. Fingstick blood should be tested immediately after collection to avoid clotting.

2. Venipunture blood should be hold with containers with qualified anticoagulants, and use as soon as possible. If not tested immediately, whole blood specimen could be stored at  2-8°C if the test is to be run within 2 days of collection. Do not freeze whole blood specimens.

3. Serum/plasma specimens should be separated from whole blood as soon as possible to avoid hemolysis. Use only clear, non-hemolyzed specimens. They could be stored at 2-8°C for up to 3 days. For long term storage, specimens should be kept below -20°C. Frozen specimens must be completely thawed and mixed well prior to testing. Specimens should not be frozen and thawed repeatedly.

4. Urine specimen should be fresh. Turbid specimens should be centrifuged, filtered, or allowed to settle and only the clear supernatant should be used for testing.

5. For cervical specimen collection, please do not use 0.9% sodium chloride to treat swabs before collecting specimens, as this will reduce the specimen amount obtained. Before specimen collection, remove excess mucus from the endocervical area with a cotton ball and discard.

6. For  fecal specimens, please insert the applicator into at least three different sites of stool to ensure that specimens collected could represent the real status of the patient.



Last Updated on Monday, 19 April 2010 08:20

Step 3 : False Rapid Test:

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Apabila semua prosedur kerja sudah dilakukan dengan benar, maka kemungkinan lain adalah pada Rapid Test tersebut memang terjadi False Positive / False Negative, mengingat sensitifitas serta spesifisitas Rapid Test dibawah 100%.


Apa yang harus dilakukan ketika terjadi kasus seperti ini:

  1. Untuk setiap test invalid (garis C tidak keluar), berarti tes memang rusak. Harus diulang serta hubungi supplier Anda.
  2. Untuk setiap test yang diragukan (False Positive / False Negative), lakukan pemeriksaan ulang dengan methode tes lainnya seperti GCMS, Elisa dll.

Lihat Langkah pertama (7 Pemeriksaan Prosedur Kerja)

Lihat langkah kedua (5 Keterbatasan Rapid Test)


Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 01:30

Step 2 : 5 Keterbatasan Rapid Test

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Rapid Test sebagai screening memiliki beberapa keterbatasan. Keterbatasan ini bisa mempengaruhi hasil dan membutuhkan konfirmasi lebih lanjut.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 01:21 Read more

Step 1 : 7 Langkah Pemeriksaan Prosedur Kerja

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Hal pertama yang harus dilihat adalah apakah prosedur pemeriksaan sudah sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan. Kesalahan dalam satu proses pemeriksaan saja bisa berakibat kesalahan hasil.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 01:22 Read more